Elder Dallin H. Oaks. of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles has put it best: “Even as we seek to be meek and to avoid contention, we must not compromise or dilute our commitment to the truths we understand. We must not surrender our positions or our values.”
As Latter Day Saints, our religious values regarding traditional marriage are under attack. It is our obligation to rally together to help strengthen and support these values. The Proclamation to the Family states, "The family is ordained of God. Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan." These are the values that we believe and want taught to our children. However, our children are being invaded upon by laws that legalize same-sex marriage. The issue of same-sex marriage strikes at the very heart of our family unit. This issue has the ability to greatly impact the welfare of our children, but only if we stand by and let it.
When this law was passed, marriage was redefined. There are many types of “families” in the world that include same-sex marriage, and they do not follow the laws of God. It is important to teach our children to be loving and kind to all people, but this not does not mean we need to accept this as a lifestyle. As my children have gotten older, they have been exposed to a lot more things that go against our beliefs than I ever was as a child. One of my children’s teacher is a gay individual. This teacher is very open about her lifestyle. As my child has come home and talked with me about this, we have talked about how this makes him feel and what this makes him think. We have allowed him to ask us questions and have led him to teachings of the prophets regarding this lifestyle. This is not something I ever thought I would have to explain to my child, but I do realize it is important for me to teach him the truths of traditional marriage or the world will teach him lies.
Laws will pass. Society’s values will continue to pull away from God’s commandments. It is our responsibility, as parents, to teach them the truths of the Gospel. It is our duty to stand up for "God's law". It is our duty to teach our children what our truths are regarding traditional marriage. Elder Ballard states "Society, law, and popular opinion may change, but society’s version of the family cannot and will not substitute for God’s purpose and plan for His children." On the day same-sex marriage was legalized in all states, God was forgotten. If those who made this decision had God in their hearts and truly understood the spiritual blessings of marriage, then this decision would not have been a big deal. However, God was forgotten. Once society begins to break away from God, Satan takes control.
Isaiah 5:20 states, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil”. The time has come that good is being called evil. On this day an evil was made good in the eyes of the world. We must stand up for the good. We must stand up for God. We must look out for our children and continue to teach them the truths of God's teaching.